
Voltron: Legendary Defender Had a Gay Character All Along

For those who grew up on the classic 80s cartoon Voltron, Netflixs remake, Voltron: Legendary Defender, will seem quite different. Yes, five mechanical lions still combine to form a giant robot that kicks ass in space, but the show has been modernized in ways large and small. Not only is the storytelling more serialized, with

Best Blue Eyeliners 2019: Chanel, Dior, Rimmel London

Sorry trusty black eyeliner, but Seventies-style disco-blue eyes might just be the hottest new trend for this Spring/Summer. You have Margot Robbie to thank, who had no qualms in sporting an Abba-worthy blue eye makeup at this years BAFTAs, a look created by Pati Dubriff using a combination of blue and black Chanel eyeliners, mascara

Cesar Luis MENOTTI: We are far from Germany

Argentinas 1978 World Cup winning coach, Ceasar MENOTTI spoke in an exlusive interview on Ole about the current state of Argentine football, his relationship with former Germanys coach Jurgen KLISMANN and hes hope on Jorge SAMPAOLIs appointment.

Hollywood is Calling

NPR's Alex Chadwick talks with Michael Surowy, founder of the Web site For a fee, Hollywood is Calling will arrange a telephone call from a celebrity. But don't expect J. Lo and Ben think more along the lines of Lou Ferrigno or Lorenzo Lamas...

Hulk Hogan Recalls Wrestling During the Mafia Era of Japan

One of the most iconic names in the world of pro wrestling, Hulk Hogan rose to fame very early in his career. With his impressive physique and unmatchable charisma, Hogan quickly rose to the top. Apart from being a top name in WWE, he also became equally popular in Japan and Hollywood.