
Tina Fey and Jimmy Fallon Reflect on her Emmy Nip Slip

Relax, relax. Nip slips and the reporting of nip slips are the worst thing about new media. Luckily, Tina Fey is ready to come clean about her Emmy wardrobe malfunction and show off some nipples. Whether or not they are her own, she will not specify. Just watch.

All the Celebrities Who Have Received the COVID-19 Vaccine

Many celebrities, politicians, athletes, and influencers contracted the coronavirus this year, but we are now seeing some begin the process to immunity. There are numerous vaccine rollouts ongoing, including the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, the Oxford UniversityAstraZeneca vaccine in the U.K., and more currently in phase three of clinical trials. While some celebs in the

Arabian Tents, Nationwide

This image appears in the gallery:Quirky Budget Places You Never Knew You Could Get Married Bring your wedding dreams to life in a tailor made venue by hiring out a tent for your ceremony. The Arabian Tent company offers a range of styles from colourful Arabian yurts to quintessentially British marquees so you can tweak

Famille Kretz Juifs

Famille Kretz Juifs Une agence immobilire dirige par une famille juive a rendu clbre le nom Kretz dans une mission disponible en ligne et en replay. Avec Martin, Valentin, Louis, Olivier, Majo(rie) et Sandrine, la famille Kretz dirige une entreprise immobilire.

King's sacking of consort highlights power of Thai monarchy | Thailand

Vajiralongkorn wields dominant control over his countrys politics and media When Thailands 67-year-old King Maha Vajiralongkorn stripped his royal consort of her titles on Monday, it sent shockwaves through Thai society. Sineenat Wongvajirapakdi had spent several years as a companion to the monarch alongside the now queen, but had only been given her official title