
10 Essential Yung Lean Tracks

It isn't everyday you sit down to write about a rapper from Sweden, let alone an 18-year-old who's selling out shows across the country with a style completely his own. But Jonatan Hstad, better known as Yung Lean, is quite the anomaly.

A Highly Scientific Analysis of Never Have I Evers Love Triangle

There comes a time in every fictional love triangle when you have to choose a side. The best love triangles are the ones that make doing so incredibly difficult. The ones where youre constantly switching your allegiance. The kind of love triangle where both options are easy to get behind as endgame. This is the

All You Need to Know About the Commentators at 2023 US Open

Commentators are a big aspect of the sporting world. Covering a sport is a highly important aspect of it, and tennis has great coverage. Former players, fans and sports journalists provide coverage for tennis. The majority of the commentary and analysis is done by players who used to thrive in the sport during their prime.

Fans brand Harry Styles a 'terrible kisser' after passionate make-out session with Emily Ratajkowski

Harry Styles has been branded a 'terrible kisser'after he was seen passionately kissing Emily Ratajkowski on the streets of Tokyo. In MailOnline's exclusive video, the singer, 29, locked lips with American model and actress Emily, 31, while appearing to not care who saw them while in full view of onlookers.

Kylie Jenner Calls Out ''Disrespectful'' Paparazzi

"Life," she captioned the pic. And while perhaps that could have also been construed as a humble-brag, the moment may have been more bittersweet for Kylie in reality. The E! star is hardly alone, either. She voiced her concerns just two days after Cara Delevingnea frequent critic of the paparazzi who has even compared them